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Intel's new smart building

Intel's started building its new development center. I managed the creative process of immersive and informational screens for the building.I took part in the pre production and reviewed the post production work, to meet the creatives, for the best results.

Some background

Intel was about to build its new development center ,which was announced to be the smartest building in the world. Intel approached us to incorporate experiential and interactive applications into the structure that would reflect its vision, To all employees and guests of the place.

The solution

  1. Exterior LED box with 4 LED faces on the facade of the building in which we combined messages from 3 worlds of content: Intel's workers, the smart building and environment and community. Each content world received a representation of an avatar figure through which we presented various content that communicated with the street.

  2. A huge interior LED screen in the lobby of the building. The creative that guided us was motion> data> art The screen gave a fantastic mirror view of the lobby as it translated in real time the walls, columns, and people walking in it into parallel imaginary worlds that corresponded with Intel's content worlds. One time the space became a wild and green nature scene where the walls became trees and the floor was covered with pebbles and running water and another time the space and the movement of people became an impressive matrix scene of data and speed.

  3. 7 transparent and interactive LED screens were placed on the PR floor of the offices. The screens displayed the 7 main verticals that Intel was promoting.

In this project I was the creative director. I was involved in formulating the concepts, I laid out the design direction, i was following and controlling the work of the studio, the design and the animation.

התמונה לקוחה מ-Skyscrapers
התמונה לקוחה מכלכליסט

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